Our Event Schedules
Pasar Desa Day 1
Saturday 18th May -
Soft Opening
Wednesday 1st May -
Islam Summit
Saturday 4th May -
2nd May
Thursday 2nd May -
3rd May
Silaturahmi -
5th May
Panel Discussion (Interactive Dialogue) -
6th May
Book Launching & Panel Discussion -
8th May
Panel Discussion (Interactive Dialogue) -
10th May
Panel Discussion (Interactive Dialogue) -
Art Exhibition
Saturday 11th May -
12th May
Panel Discussion (Interactive Dialogue) -
14th May
Interactive Dialogue -
Pasar Desa Day 2
Sunday 19th May
Gamelan gadon by Karaton ensemble
Closing & Refreshment
The event is officially closed but every guest, committee members and performers can enjoy lunch and refreshment
Introduction by moderators
Welcome remarks
Muslim Experiences
Break (refreshments are available)
Closing remarks
Archipelago of Muslimah
Masriyah Amva
This session discusses the role of women in Islam both in social and religious contexts. We will further dissect the portrait of feminism and equality in Islam in Indonesia which deconstructs lay understanding of patriarchism in Islam.
The event will be held in Stichting Burgerhart Amsterdam
Gender Equity in Indonesian Muslim Communities: Advancements and Dilemmas
Event Location: Stichting Burgerhart Amsterdam
Navigating Islam: Journey through Maritime Culture, Spice Routes, and Diversity
The event will be held at Stichting Burgerhart Amsterdam
Museum Tour "Reconnecting the collection to their Homeland"
This event will be held at Wereld Museum, Leiden
Book Launching: "Between Three Fire" by M. Hisyam
This event will be held at IIAS Conference Room Leiden University
RSVP: https://www.iias.asia/events/caught-between-three-fires/
Book Discussion: "Dari Aborsi sampai Childfree"
The event will be held at IIAS Conference Room Leiden University
Digitalisation of Islam: Embracing Change, Authority Dynamics, and the Future of Religious Adherence
Tour to the Art Exhibition
Coffee Break
Discussion with the Artists
Islam Role in Agrarian and Farming Problems
NU and The Future Challenge of Islamic Universities
Media Framing of Islam in Indonesia
Live on-site painting
Radicalization on Social Media Platform
Artist Talk
Interfaith Dialogue: "Transcending Religiosity and Embracing Universality"
Cultural Dialogue: "World is part of Our Village"
In this session, a well-known Indonesian vocalist and cultural figure, Sabrang (Noe Letto) will have a dialogue with the cultural figure who founded the Festival Lima Gunung, Tanto Mendut to talk about the role of villages and their communities in building world civilization.